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Los Gatos 參考文獻(2010年8月24日更新)

日期: 2010-08-24
瀏覽次數(shù): 41
[1] Natalia Shakhova, Igor Semiletov, Anatoly Salyuk, Vladimir Yusupov, Denis Kosmach, ?rjan Gustafsson.
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[12] Lixin Wang, Kelly K. Caylor, Danilo Dragoni. On the calibration of continuous, high-precision?δ18O and?δ2H measurements using an off-axis integrated cavity output spectrometer.?RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY, 2009, 23: 530-536.
[13]?Elena S. F. Berman, Manish Gupta, Chris Gabrielli, Tina Garland, Jeffrey J. McDonne.?High-frequency field-deployable isotope analyzer for hydrological applications.?WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2009, 45: 1-7.
[14] Xinning Zhang, Aimee L. Gillespieb, Alex L. Sessionsa. Large D/H variations in bacterial lipids reflect central metabolic pathways.?PNAS, 2009, 106(31): 12580-12586.
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[16] STEPHANIE. SHAW, FRANK M. MITLOEHNER, WENDI JACKSON..et al. Volatile Organic Compound
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[17] D. M. D. Hendriks, A. J. Dolman, M. K. van der Molen, J. van Huissteden. A compact and stable eddy covariance set-up for methane measurements using off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy.?Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2008, 8: 431-443.
[18] L.I. Wassenaar, S.L. Van Wilgenburg, K. Larson, K.A. Hobson. A groundwater isoscape (δD,?δ18O) for Mexico.?Geochemical Exploration, 2009, 102: 123136.
[19] C. J. P. P. Smeets, R. Holzinger, I. Vigano, A. H. Goldstein. Eddy covariance methane measurements
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[20] L. I. WASSENAAR, M. J. HENDRY, V. L. CHOSTNER, G. P. LIS. High Resolution Pore Water?δ2H?and?δ18O Measurements by?H2O(liquid)-H2O(vapor) Equilibration?Laser Spectroscopy.?ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2008.
[21] Steve W. Lyon, Sharon L. E. Desilets, Peter A. Troch. A tale of two isotopes: differences in hydrograph separation for a runoff event when using?δD versus?δ18O.HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES, 2009, 23: 2095-2101.
[22] Patrick D. Broxton, Peter A. Troch, Steve W. Lyon. On the role of aspect to quantify water transit times
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[23] M. Barthel, P. Sturm, L. Gentsch, A. Knohl. Technical Note: A combined soil/canopy chamber system for tracing δ13C in soil respiration after a?13CO2?canopy pulse labelling.?Biogeosciences Discussions, 2010, 7:1603-1631.
[24] Anna K. Henderson1, Bryan Nolan Shuman. Hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of lake water
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[25] Stephen D. Sebestyen, Elizabeth W. Boyer, James B. Shanley, Carol Kendall, Daniel H. Doctor, George R. Aiken, Nobuhito Ohte. Sources, transformations, and hydrological processes that control stream nitrate and dissolved organic matter concentrations during snowmelt in an upland forest.?WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, 2008, 44, W12410: 1-14.
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[27]?Peter E. Sauer, Arndt Schimmelmann, Alex L. Sessions, Katarina Topalov. Simplified batch equilibration for D/H determination of non-exchangeable hydrogen in solid organic material.?RAPID COMMUNICATIONS IN MASS SPECTROMETRY.?2009, 23: 949-956.

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研究背景水分是限制植物生長的關(guān)鍵因素,特別是在全球氣候變化的背景下,干旱半干旱地區(qū)的生態(tài)水文過程和植被水分利用策略受到顯著影響。煤礦開采,尤其是露天礦,對環(huán)境破壞嚴重。黑岱溝露天煤礦位于黃土高原生態(tài)脆弱區(qū),礦區(qū)的生態(tài)修復已成為重點工作。排土場的植被恢復對于合理利用水土資源和促進煤礦可持續(xù)發(fā)展至關(guān)重要。目前,礦區(qū)生態(tài)修復中的水問題研究主要集中在土壤水文效應、物理性質(zhì)和坡面侵蝕等方面,但對植物水源及其利用機制的定量研究較少。利用穩(wěn)定同位素技術(shù),可以高效分析植物的水源,并通過多源混合模型量化各水源的貢獻率。例如,深根植物通常利用深層土壤水,而淺根植物則更多依賴淺層水分。由于煤礦開采擾動了土壤結(jié)構(gòu),植物的水源利用方式與自然狀態(tài)下有所不同。此外,雨季的不同月份中,植物水源及其利用機制也存在差異。  因此,本研究以黑岱溝露天礦排土場為例,分析蒙古松、檸條和紫花苜蓿在雨季的水分來源及...
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森林約占全球土壤碳庫的70%,是調(diào)節(jié)大氣CO2濃度的關(guān)鍵因素。濕地作為陸地和水生系統(tǒng)的過渡區(qū),通常地下水位接近地表。全球變暖導致北方低地森林被濕地取代,造成景觀破碎化,并可能改變碳通量。土壤CO2通量占大氣碳的20-38%,其主要來源是土壤呼吸,包括自養(yǎng)和異養(yǎng)呼吸。異養(yǎng)呼吸受溫度、濕度和溶解有機物(DOM)影響。低分子量化合物(LMW)更易降解,促進微生物活動和土壤呼吸。解凍期雨雪事件可將DOM輸送至濕地,影響土壤CO2通量。本研究假設(shè),解凍期森林濕地集水區(qū)的土壤CO2通量受DOM運動的影響,目標是分析CO2通量變化,確定DOM的影響, 并探索微生物在其中的作用。圖們江位于中國、朝鮮和俄羅斯的交界處,最終流入日本海,地處中高緯度地區(qū),范圍為北緯41.99°到44.51°(圖1(a))。布爾哈通河是圖們江的重要支流,其上游流域面積為1560平方公里。該流域以山地...
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